20 February, 2011

IFA w50 by Atlas

   Din categoria "Ce-as mai vrea sa locuiesc in alta tara", va prezint o noua colectie, de data asta de la Atlas Editions Germania. Este vorba de o noua colectie de camioane 1:43 al carui prim numar este IFA w50. Cel mai probabil este vorba de macheta produsa de IST/IXO Models si prezentata la Nurnberg Toy Fair 2011. Posibil ca printre urmatoarele numere sa se afle si Tatra prezentata tot acolo, si nici nu vreau sa-mi imaginez ce va mai contine aceasta colectie. Se poate achiztiona doar in Germania, de catre cei ce locuiesc acolo, prin abonament. Cu mentiunea ca se poate comanda un singur exemplar la o adresa, asta pentru a evita comertul ulterior. Pentru ei o fi bine, dar pentru cei care spera sa o ia de pe ebay...  Asa ca, apelam la PCR (pile, cunostiinte, relatii)....

IFA w50 by Atlas

    From the category "I would like to live in other country", I present a new collection, from Atlas Editions Germany . It is a new 1:43 truck collection, from which, the first issue is "the one and only" IFA w50. Most probably, it is the scale model made by IST/IXO Models and presented at Nurnberg Toy Fair 2011. It is possible that the Tatra to be in collection too, and I don't want too see how the other modelcars will look :) . It can be bought only from Germany, by the ones who live there, by subscription. From one address only one piece can be bought to avoid resell of the model. That is good for them, but not for the ones living outside Germany, ehich hope to find it on Ebay.


  1. Hi!
    Here in Argentina there is in these models. And if they appear are listed about 20 euros ...
    You buy them !!!!!!


  2. Hi!
    There is a polish JELCZ 315 as well:


  3. yes, I saw something on a forum, but nothing official
