27 February, 2011

Wartburg 353 (1985) - DeAgostini/IST Models

     Cunoscut si ca Wartburg Knight, Wartburg 353 a intrat in productie in 1965, si a inlocuit gama Wartburg 31x. S-a produs pana in 1988, iar in 1985 a primit un facelift si numeroase imbunatatiri. In Germania de Est, a fost intens folosit ca masina a serviciilor publice, in general in politie. Oamenii de rand care is doreau aceasta masina asteptau pana la 15 ani pentru una. A avut succes la export, in deosebi in Marea Britanie, dar si in tarile din Blocul Estic in care s-a exportat. In Romania nu s-au importat, dar au ajuns multe la mana a doua, dupa '89. La mine in cartier (un cartier mititel) stiam 3 exemplare. Acum, putinele exemplare care n-au ajuns vouchere, se mai pot vedea in paragina prin parcarile dintre blocuri, rar cate unul in circulatie.

     Macheta, din colectia DeAgostini, reproduce modelul cu facelift din 1985. Este frumos facut, cu exceptia farurilor. Nu stiu cat ar fi crescut costurile de productie ale machetei, daca spoiau un pic cu gri sau argintiu sub plasticul ala transparent, care tine loc de far. In rest, arata bine, jantele sunt bine replicate si perforate, inscriptiile sunt de nivel premium, foarte fin facute si lizibile. Stergatoarele sunt subtiri, lampile spate sunt doar rosii. Interiorul este negru complet, fara decaluri, iar oglinzile nu au "sticla". Imi place ca au replicat frumos scaunele, un model de tetiera care l-am vazut doar la Wartburg.

Wartburg 353 (1985) - DeAgostini/IST Models

    Wartburg 353, a.k.a. Wartburg Knight went in production in 1965, and replaced the Wartburg 31x range. It was produced until 1988, while in 1985 he got a face-lift and other improvements. In the East Germany was used as a public service car, especially by the Police. Ordinary people waited up to 15 years for one. It was a succes in exports, particularly in Great Britain, but also in the other Eastern Block cars. Romania did not imported them officially, but many got here after 1989. Now, a small number of Wartburgg, which are not yet vouchers, can be seen abandoned in parking lots, and very few still working.

    The scale model, from the DeAgostini collection, replicates the facelifted model from 1985. It is well made, except the headlights which look very strange, being placed over the beige paint. The rims are perforated and good replicated, the badges look premium, very fine made and easy readable. The wipers are thin, and the backlights are only in red. The interior is black with no decals. I like the well replicated seats with their unusual head-rest.

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