29 September, 2010

GAZ M21 "Volga" Taxi (1958) - Altaya/IXO

        Fiind o masina comuna, mare si rezistenta, GAZ M21 "Volga", a fost, bineinteles, folosita si ca Taxi, chiar si in Romania.
        Macheta este produsa de IST sau IXO (cam acelasi lucru) pt Altaya si DeAgostini si face parte din colectia "Taxiurile lumii". Decal-urile de pe macheta sunt conforme cu realitatea dar placuta cu "Taxi" asa de mare nu a fost prea comuna. Macheta este evident realizata pe aceasi matrita ca cea care am prezentat-o la nr. 9 dar are mici diferente. Rotile sunt alt model si sunt "cromate". Masca fata este acelasi model, dar Taxi-ul nu are evidentiate gaurile (cu vopsea). Vopseaua este aplicata cam subtire, pe la muchii se cam vede metalul. Sigla in fata nu este asa clara iar stopurile sunt doar vopsite. La interior nu exista decat detaliile de baza. Per ansamblu este mai slab realizata decat modelul facut pt colectia de comuniste de la DeAgostini.

GAZ M21 "Volga" Taxi (1958) - Altaya/IXO

         Being a common, big and tough car, GAZ M21 "Volga", was also used as a Taxi, even in Romania
         The scale model is produced by IST or IXO (almost the same thing) for Altaya and DeAgostini, and it belongs from the "Taxis of the world' collection. The applied decals are like the real ones, but the "Taxi"plate was not very common in this size (so big). The model is made, obviously, with the same mould as the Volga I presented before, but it has some small differences. The wheel are different model, and are chromed. The front grille is identical but the Taxi does not have the painted black holes. The paint layer is thin, so the metal is visible at some edges. The front badge is not very readable and the backlights are painted. At the interior, there are only the basic details. I consider this model worse than the one made for DeAgostini, for the communist cars.

25 September, 2010

GAZ M21 "Volga" (1958) - DeAgostini/IST Models

        Incep, in mod traditional, cu cea mai cunoscuta "comunista", dar si cea mai frumoasa si cea mai cea... Un superlativ pe roti, emblema a Europei de Est...
        GAZ M21 "Volga", care isi trage numele de la fluviul omonim, a intrat pe masa proiectantilor la inceputul anilor '50. A fost succesoarea Pobedei. A fost construita pentru drumurile dure din acea perioada, iar design-ul ei era inspirat din cel al automobilelor americane. A fost produsa in 3 serii, usor diferite ca design, si a fost exportata in toata Europa. A fost usor inaccesibila oamenilor de rand datorita pretului ridicat. In Romania, a fost masina oficialitatilor, mai ales in culoarea neagra.

         Macheta reproduce a doua serie, produsa intre 1958-1962, care dupa parerea mea este cea mai putin frumoasa dintre cele 3. As fi vrut ca cei de la DeA sa aleaga cea de a 3-a serie pt colectia lor. Ea exista in colectia din Rusia dar in varianta break (kombi). Detaliile machetei sunt limitate, fiind o macheta de revista. Interiorul e de o singura culoare, fara detalii (ceasuri etc) evidente. La exterior farurile au niturile putin prea vizibile. In rest, doar detaliile de baza. As putea acorda un plus pt siglele si "gazela" de pe capota. Rotile sunt de asemenea reusite.

GAZ M21 "Volga" (1958) - DeAgostini/IST Models

         I start the presentations of  communist cars with the most popular one, the wheeled symbol of the Eastern Block.
        GAZ M21 "Volga" gets his name from the Volga river, and it entered on the drawing board at the beginning of the '50s. It was the successor of the Pobeda. It was a tough car, build for the rough roads of that era, and his design was inspired from the american cars. It was produced in 3 facelift, slightly different, and it was exported to all Europe. It wasn't very accessible to the ordinary people due to its high price. In Romania, it was the car of the leaders, especially in black  color.

        The scale model replicates the second facelift, produced between 1958-1962, which, in my opinion is the less beautiful of all the 3 models.  I wished that DeAgostini choose the 3rd one for the collection. It exists on the russian collection but it's the estate (kombi) version. The details are limited to a "magazine" model. The interior it's in one color, without the small details (gauges, etc.). The headlights have visible rivets. I can give it a good mark for the fine made logos and the "gazelle" from the hood. The wheels are also very good.

21 September, 2010

Dacia Duster (2010) - Solido

       Dacia Duster a aparut in 2010 si este primul SUV produs de Dacia. Numele de Dacia Duster a mai existat in anii 80 si nu era altul decat numele de export pentru Aro 10. Dacia Duster a fost prezentat ca si concept la Salonul de la Geneva in martie. Din pacate, sau din fericire (depinde de gusturi), varianta de serie a iesit total diferita de concept. Dacia Duster a vrut, si a reusit sa fie cel mai ieftin SUV, varianta entry-level neavand nici macar tractiune 4x4.

       Macheta, spre deosebire de celelalte din gama, a fost produsa de Solido, iar diferenta de calitate se observa, desi Duster-ul este peste standardul Solido. Primul lucru care mi-a sarit in ochi a fost sigla, care, desi aplicata, nu este reusita, iar inscriptia DACIA nu se vede, spre deosebire de macheta Logan Pick-up, de exemplu, produsa de Eligor. Stopurile au nituri. Imi plac jantele, care sunt replicate frumos, si se vad si discurile de frana si etrierii.

Dacia Duster (2010) - Solido

        Dacia Duster was released in 2010 and it's the first SUV released by Dacia. Not many people know that the name "Dacia Duster" existed in the '80s and it was the name of Aro 10 for some export countries. Dacia Duster was presented as a concept at the Geneva Motor Show in march. Unfortunately, or not (depending of opinions), the final version was totally different from the concept. Dacia Duster was made to be the cheapest SUV and succeeded but the entry-level version does not even have four-wheel drive.

       The scale model, unlike the other modern Dacia range, was made by Solido, and the quality differences are easy to spot, even if the Duster is above Solido's standards. The first thing I did not like was the badge, which is rough made and the DACIA text is not visible. The backlights have rivets. I like the rims, very well replicated, and you can see the brake disks and the calipers.

16 September, 2010

New! - Dacia Duster Trophee Andros de Spark

     Astazi am aflat ca Spark a lansat macheta din rasina, la 1:43 a Daciei Duster cu care Alain Prost a concurat la Trofeul Andros. Pe site-ul lor oficial ( www.sparkmodel.com ) nu se gaseste nici o informatie inca. Macheta se gaseste de vanzare pe www.carmodel.net . Pretul este destul de piperat dar este corect pentru o macheta Spark din rasina. Sper ca va ajuge si in Romania, poate la un pret mai mic.
     Sursa pozelor este www.forum-auto.com .

     Today, I heard that Spark released the 1:43, resin model of the Dacia Duster driven by Alain Prost at the Andros Trophy. On their official site ( www.sparkmodel.com ), there is no news regarding this issue. The model is for sale on  www.carmodel.net . It is expensive, but it's a right price for a Spark, resin model. I hope that the model will be available in Romania too, at the Dacia dealers. Maybe for a lower price.
     The source of the photos is www.forum-auto.com .

13 September, 2010

Dacia Logan Pick-up (2008) - Eligor

        Dacia Logan Pick-up s-a alaturat familiei Logan in anul 2008. A completat golul lasat de vechea Dacie "Papuc", scoasa din productie in 2006. Dacia Logan Pick-Up dispune de o benă a cărei lungime de încărcare este de 1,80 m şi a cărei sarcină utilă este de 800 kg. În plus, cabina beneficiază de un spaţiu de depozitare cu volumul de 300 de litri, situat în spatele scaunelor.

         Macheta, produsa tot de Eligor, este reusita, cu vopseaua aplicata fara greseli. Jantele sunt perforate, iar macheta ruleaza fara sa agate. La interior, spre deosebire de machetele Logan anterioare are si oglinda retrovizoare. Sigla noua Dacia, prezenta pt prima data la acest model este frumos si clar redata. Enjoy!

Dacia Logan Pick-up (2008) - Eligor

          Dacia Logan Pick-up joined the Logan family in 2008. It filled the gap left by the old Dacia "Shoe", which stopped production in 2006. Dacia Logan Pick-up features a 1.8 m flatbed and can carry up to 800 kg. Also, the cab has a 300 liter luggage space behind the front seats.

          The scale model, by Eligor, is very successful made, with a excellent paint job. The rims are perforated and it runs very smooth. At the interior, this one has the rear-view mirror, unlike some of the other Logan scale models. The new Dacia badge, seen for the first time on a Logan scale model, it very beautiful made and easy to read. Enjoy!

09 September, 2010

Dacia Logan AT - Advanced Tuning - Red (2005) - Eligor

        Dacia Logan AT a fost prezentata la Salonul International Auto Bucuresti in 2005. A fost proiectul unui tanar inginer, absolvent al facultatii de Inginerie Aerospatiala din Brasov, pe nume Bogdan Urdea. Proiectul a fost mai intai realizat cu ajutorul soft-urilor de grafica 3d, unde i s-au adus imbunatatiri pe parcurs si a beneficiat de prezentari (randari) spectaculoase. Tuning-ul, desi exagerat, dupa cum a recunoscut chiar autorul, arata totusi bine si puncteaza si mai bine la capitolul spectacol.

       Macheta este produsa de Eligor. Reproduce conceptul lui Bogdan Urdea in proportie de 95%, mici diferente fiind sesizabile printre altele la bara fata. Jantele aftermarket sunt frumos realizate iar prezenta discurilor si etrierilor de frana care nu se invart odata cu roata surprinde placut. La interior modelul are aceleasi scaune sport Toora prezente si pe macheta LoganCup, iar volanul este unul modificat, mai mic, specific masinilor tunate.

Dacia Logan AT - Advanced Tuning - Red (2005) - Eligor

       Dacia Logan AT was presented at the Bucharest International Auto Show in 2005. It was the project of a young engineer, graduated from the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, from Brasov. Its name is Bogdan Urdea. The project was, initially, developed with 3d graphics software, where it was improved and got some spectacular renderings. The tuning, exagerated, as the author himself admited, looks very good and its even better for showing off.

       The 1:43 model is made by Eligor. It replicates 95% of the Bogdan Urdea's project, some small differences being visible on the front bumper. The after-market rims are very nice and the brake calipers and disks which don't spin with the wheel are very effective. At the interior, the model has the same Toora seats like the Logan Cup model, and the steering wheel is and after-market one, similar with the ones that tuned cars often have.

05 September, 2010

DeAgostini Update

   O mica introducere:
      Editura DeAgostini a lansat in urma cu cateva luni in 3 tari din UE colectii de machete de masini, predominant est-europene, specifice fiecarei tari (produse sau care au circulat mult in acea tara). Cele trei tari sunt Ungaria, Cehia si Polonia. Colectia din Polonia a ajuns, la aceasta data, la numarul 52, cea din Ungaria la numarul 24, iar cea din Cehia la numarul 15. Contrar unora, nu apar aceleasi machete in toate cele 3 tari, in Polonia existand chiar si cateva machete bonus (Nysa Milicja, Zuk Pompieri), care vor fi prezentate pe acest blog.
       In speranta ca aceasta colectie va aparea si in Romania, noi, colectionarii de 1:43 si mai ales pasionatii de "comuniste", ne aprovizionam de unde putem.
      Voi prezenta de acum incolo toate noutatile legate de colectiile DeAgostini.

   Brief introduction:
       DeAgostini, launched a few months ago, in 3 countries from EU, collections of scale models of east-european cars, specific to each country (made in that country or very often seen there). The three countries are Hungary, Czech Republic and Poland. The collection in Poland is at No. 52, in Hungary is No. 24 and in the Czech Republic it's No. 15. The cars are not the same in the 3 countries. In Poland there are also a few bonus models (Nysa Milicja, Zuk Firefighter, etc.), which will be presented here, on this blog.
     Hoping that DeAgostini Romania will also release a similar collection here ;) , we, the 1:43 collectors, are buying the models from different places.
    From now on, I will post all the news regarding the DeAgostini collections.

  These are the next revealed models from each collection. 



02 September, 2010

Dacia Logan "Politia Rurala" (2006) - Eligor

           In 2006, dupa ani de umblat pe biciclete sau cu masinile personale politistii din mediul rural au primit in dotarea posturilor pe care le deserveau masini noi noute marca Dacia Logan. Astfel, cei care fusesera ceva mai norocosi pana atunci si aveau un Aro invechit sau vreo Dacie 1300 au renuntat la ele si au luat in primire noua masina de serviciu.

           Macheta, produsa tot de Eligor, reproduce cu succes modelul de Politie. Spre deosebire de celelalte machete Logan, aceasta vine cu jante diferite, negre, care le reproduc pe cele de tabla, prezente la Logan-urile entry-level. Oglinda retrovizoare lipseste si de la aceasta macheta, iar blocurile optice din spate au nituri de prindere vizibile.

Dacia Logan "Politia Rurala" (2006) - Eligor

           In 2006, after years of traveling with bikes or their own cars, the policemen from the rural areas got for they police stations, brand new cars Dacia Logan. So, the ones who where lucky until then and had an old Aro or a Dacia 1300 for doing their job, they took their new service vehicle.

            The scale model, at 1:43, is made by Eligor too, and it successfully replicates the Police car. Unlike the other Logan scale models, this one has different rims, in black, that replicate the alloy sheet rims mounted on the entry-level Logan. The rear-view mirror is missing from this model, and the backlights have visible rivets.