17 February, 2011

Wartburg 311 Cabrio (1959) - DeAgostini/IST Models

      Wartburg este una dintre cele mai vechi marci de automobile germane. Isi trage numele de la castelul Wartburg de langa orasul Eisenach, unde a luat fiinta aceasta marca auto. Wartburg 312 a fost produs incepand cu anul 1956 pana in 1965, cand a fost inlocuit de Wartburg 353. Era disponibil in variante sedan, combi, pickup, coupe, roadster si cabrio. Wartburg Cabrio a fost dezvoltat la aproximativ 2 ani dupa sedan.

      Macheta este binisor lucrata, dar are niste erori, cum ar fi parbrizul care nu este suficient inclinat. Oglinda exterioara este cromata si se afla pe aripa stanga-fata. Oglinda retrovizoare este reprodusa ca in realitate, prinsa de bordul masini, dar nu are "sticla". Si la aceasta macheta, siglele sunt perfecte. Jantele sunt corect reproduse si colorate. Blocurile luminoase spate sunt intr-o singura culoare.

Wartburg 311 Cabrio (1959) - DeAgostini/IST Models

       Wartburg is one of the oldest german car brands. It gets its name from the castle of Wartburg near the city of Eisenach, where this car brand was created. Wartburg 312 was produced starting from 1956 until 1965, when it was replaced with Wartburg 353. It was available in many versions: sedan, estate, pick-up, coupe, roadster or cabrio. Wartburg Cabrio was developed aprox. 2 years after the sedan.

       The scale model is well made, but it has some errors. One of them is the windscreen which has a incorrect angle. The side mirror is placed on the wing and it is chromed. The rear-view mirror is made like on the real model, placed on the dashboard, but has no "glass". The logos and badges are, like usual, perfect. The rims are correctly reproduced and painted. The backlights have only red color. 


  1. E destul de reusit modelul. Chiar daca oglinda arata putin ciudat, cred ca e o greseala acceptabila. E modelul din colectia poloneza?

  2. Da, e modelul din Polonia. L-am luat inainte apara cel din Ungaria

  3. modelul cabrio seamana foare mul cu cel 312 dar oare intra figurine lego in el
