25 September, 2011

Robur Garant 30k Omnibus (1956) - IST Models

       Robur Garant 30k a fost un microbuz construit in DDR (Germania de Est), la uzina VEB Phanomen Werke din Zittau, incepand cu anul 1956. A impartit aceasi platforma cu un camion similar in partea frontala. Dispunea de un motor de 3000 cmc care dezvolta 60 de cai putere, si putea transporta pana la 18 persoane.

       Macheta este produsa de IST Models. Este primul autobuz pe care il vad produs de ei si pot spune ca arata foarte bine. Toate detaliile (scari, aeratoare, usite) sunt replicate frumos, iar schema coloristica este intocmai cu a unui model prezent intr-un muzeu din Germania. Oglinzile au "sticla". Stergatoarele sunt putin cam groase, dar este un detaliu care nu ma deranjeaza chiar deloc. Interiorul este complet decorat, avand instrumente de bord, scaune maro, cu barile de sprijin colorate in gri. In poze, l-am pus alaturi de un Barkas pt compararea dimensiunilor.

Robur Garant 30k Omnibus (1956) - IST Models

      Robur Garant 30k was a minibus built in DDR (East Germany), at the VEB Phanomen Werke plant from Zittau, starting from 1956. It shared the same platform with a similar designed light truck. It featured a 60 hp, 3000 cc engine, and was able to carry upto 18 men.

       The scale model is produced by IST Models. It's the first bus produced by them and i can say it looks very good. All the details (stairs, vents, small doors) are nicely replicated, and the color scheme is identical to a model showed into a German museum. The mirrors have "glass". The wipers are a bit thick, but it's not disturbing. The interior is completely decorated, having dashboard gauges, brown seats, with silver handles. I placed it besides a Barkas to compare the dimensions.

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