27 February, 2011

Wartburg 353 (1985) - DeAgostini/IST Models

     Cunoscut si ca Wartburg Knight, Wartburg 353 a intrat in productie in 1965, si a inlocuit gama Wartburg 31x. S-a produs pana in 1988, iar in 1985 a primit un facelift si numeroase imbunatatiri. In Germania de Est, a fost intens folosit ca masina a serviciilor publice, in general in politie. Oamenii de rand care is doreau aceasta masina asteptau pana la 15 ani pentru una. A avut succes la export, in deosebi in Marea Britanie, dar si in tarile din Blocul Estic in care s-a exportat. In Romania nu s-au importat, dar au ajuns multe la mana a doua, dupa '89. La mine in cartier (un cartier mititel) stiam 3 exemplare. Acum, putinele exemplare care n-au ajuns vouchere, se mai pot vedea in paragina prin parcarile dintre blocuri, rar cate unul in circulatie.

     Macheta, din colectia DeAgostini, reproduce modelul cu facelift din 1985. Este frumos facut, cu exceptia farurilor. Nu stiu cat ar fi crescut costurile de productie ale machetei, daca spoiau un pic cu gri sau argintiu sub plasticul ala transparent, care tine loc de far. In rest, arata bine, jantele sunt bine replicate si perforate, inscriptiile sunt de nivel premium, foarte fin facute si lizibile. Stergatoarele sunt subtiri, lampile spate sunt doar rosii. Interiorul este negru complet, fara decaluri, iar oglinzile nu au "sticla". Imi place ca au replicat frumos scaunele, un model de tetiera care l-am vazut doar la Wartburg.

Wartburg 353 (1985) - DeAgostini/IST Models

    Wartburg 353, a.k.a. Wartburg Knight went in production in 1965, and replaced the Wartburg 31x range. It was produced until 1988, while in 1985 he got a face-lift and other improvements. In the East Germany was used as a public service car, especially by the Police. Ordinary people waited up to 15 years for one. It was a succes in exports, particularly in Great Britain, but also in the other Eastern Block cars. Romania did not imported them officially, but many got here after 1989. Now, a small number of Wartburgg, which are not yet vouchers, can be seen abandoned in parking lots, and very few still working.

    The scale model, from the DeAgostini collection, replicates the facelifted model from 1985. It is well made, except the headlights which look very strange, being placed over the beige paint. The rims are perforated and good replicated, the badges look premium, very fine made and easy readable. The wipers are thin, and the backlights are only in red. The interior is black with no decals. I like the well replicated seats with their unusual head-rest.

20 February, 2011

IFA w50 by Atlas

   Din categoria "Ce-as mai vrea sa locuiesc in alta tara", va prezint o noua colectie, de data asta de la Atlas Editions Germania. Este vorba de o noua colectie de camioane 1:43 al carui prim numar este IFA w50. Cel mai probabil este vorba de macheta produsa de IST/IXO Models si prezentata la Nurnberg Toy Fair 2011. Posibil ca printre urmatoarele numere sa se afle si Tatra prezentata tot acolo, si nici nu vreau sa-mi imaginez ce va mai contine aceasta colectie. Se poate achiztiona doar in Germania, de catre cei ce locuiesc acolo, prin abonament. Cu mentiunea ca se poate comanda un singur exemplar la o adresa, asta pentru a evita comertul ulterior. Pentru ei o fi bine, dar pentru cei care spera sa o ia de pe ebay...  Asa ca, apelam la PCR (pile, cunostiinte, relatii)....

IFA w50 by Atlas

    From the category "I would like to live in other country", I present a new collection, from Atlas Editions Germany . It is a new 1:43 truck collection, from which, the first issue is "the one and only" IFA w50. Most probably, it is the scale model made by IST/IXO Models and presented at Nurnberg Toy Fair 2011. It is possible that the Tatra to be in collection too, and I don't want too see how the other modelcars will look :) . It can be bought only from Germany, by the ones who live there, by subscription. From one address only one piece can be bought to avoid resell of the model. That is good for them, but not for the ones living outside Germany, ehich hope to find it on Ebay.

17 February, 2011

New: Saviem SM 170

     O veste importanta pentru colectionarii amatori  de vehicule romanesti sau inrudite. Editura Altaya Franta va lansa in decursul acestei luni, in colectia Camions d'autrefois , o reproducere a cabinei MAN F8, sub forma camionului Saviem SM170.  Aceasta este prima reproducere a acestui model la scara 1:43, in serie mare.  Macheta vine sub forma unei cisterne, cu 2 axe. Cabina este simpla, de zi (fara pat). S-a optat pentru culoarea visiniu, si o livrea apartinand probabil unei companii franceze de transport. In functie de anumite detalii putem vedea daca aceasta macheta va putea fi transformata intr-un veritabil Roman Diesel. Deocamdata este disponibila doar o singura poza, pe site-ul Altaya. In orice caz va fi o prioritate achizitionarea lui.

Saviem SM170

     Very important news for the 1:43 collectors  who gather Romanian models or related. Altaya France will release, this month, a scale model of the Man F8 cab, in the collection Camions d'autrefois . The truck will be the French truck Saviem SM170 which shared the same cab with Man F8 and the romanian Roman Diesel. This is the first replica of this model at 1:43 produced in large quantity. The miniature comes as a 2-axle tanker, with day cab. A dark red color was chosen with a livery belonging, probably, to a French transport company. Depending on certain details, we will see if this model can be transformed into a true Roman Diesel. For now we have just one picture, so not too much to see.

Wartburg 311 Cabrio (1959) - DeAgostini/IST Models

      Wartburg este una dintre cele mai vechi marci de automobile germane. Isi trage numele de la castelul Wartburg de langa orasul Eisenach, unde a luat fiinta aceasta marca auto. Wartburg 312 a fost produs incepand cu anul 1956 pana in 1965, cand a fost inlocuit de Wartburg 353. Era disponibil in variante sedan, combi, pickup, coupe, roadster si cabrio. Wartburg Cabrio a fost dezvoltat la aproximativ 2 ani dupa sedan.

      Macheta este binisor lucrata, dar are niste erori, cum ar fi parbrizul care nu este suficient inclinat. Oglinda exterioara este cromata si se afla pe aripa stanga-fata. Oglinda retrovizoare este reprodusa ca in realitate, prinsa de bordul masini, dar nu are "sticla". Si la aceasta macheta, siglele sunt perfecte. Jantele sunt corect reproduse si colorate. Blocurile luminoase spate sunt intr-o singura culoare.

Wartburg 311 Cabrio (1959) - DeAgostini/IST Models

       Wartburg is one of the oldest german car brands. It gets its name from the castle of Wartburg near the city of Eisenach, where this car brand was created. Wartburg 312 was produced starting from 1956 until 1965, when it was replaced with Wartburg 353. It was available in many versions: sedan, estate, pick-up, coupe, roadster or cabrio. Wartburg Cabrio was developed aprox. 2 years after the sedan.

       The scale model is well made, but it has some errors. One of them is the windscreen which has a incorrect angle. The side mirror is placed on the wing and it is chromed. The rear-view mirror is made like on the real model, placed on the dashboard, but has no "glass". The logos and badges are, like usual, perfect. The rims are correctly reproduced and painted. The backlights have only red color. 

06 February, 2011

Nurnberg 2011

     Se pare ca anul acesta, voi avea pe ce da banii :), nu ca mi-ar fi fost frica de asta. La Targul International al Jucariilor de la Nurnberg, Germania,  producatorii de machete s-au  intrecut in a-si prezenta noutatile.:
    IST Models a prezentat, printre altele, doua camioane est-europene: IFA w50L si Tatra 148 facute probabil, pt inceput, pentru o colectie Atlas. Tot IST a mai prezentat un Barkas suprainaltat, ambulanta, un Framo Garant, si mai multe modele aparute deja la DeAgostini care urmeaza a fi lansate si sub brand-ul IST, imbunatatite.
    Cei de la NeoScale au prezentat presample-ul Skoda 110 R , un model realizat ca macheta doar in serii foarte mici, si destul de asteptat

Nurnberg 2011

  It looks that this year I will have on what to spend my money. At the Nurnberg International Toy Fair the scale model producers presented their news:
   IST Models showed us, among others, 2 east-European trucks: IFA w50L and Tatra 148, all new, made probably, initially, for a Atlas collection. IST also presented a Barkas ambulance, a Garant and many other models that already appeared as DeAgostini.
   NeoScale presented a presample for the much-waited Skoda 110R, a model which was made as a scale model, only in small amounts.

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