Robur Garant 30k a fost un microbuz construit in DDR (Germania de Est), la uzina VEB Phanomen Werke din Zittau, incepand cu anul 1956. A impartit aceasi platforma cu un camion similar in partea frontala. Dispunea de un motor de 3000 cmc care dezvolta 60 de cai putere, si putea transporta pana la 18 persoane.
Macheta este produsa de IST Models. Este primul autobuz pe care il vad produs de ei si pot spune ca arata foarte bine. Toate detaliile (scari, aeratoare, usite) sunt replicate frumos, iar schema coloristica este intocmai cu a unui model prezent intr-un muzeu din Germania. Oglinzile au "sticla". Stergatoarele sunt putin cam groase, dar este un detaliu care nu ma deranjeaza chiar deloc. Interiorul este complet decorat, avand instrumente de bord, scaune maro, cu barile de sprijin colorate in gri. In poze, l-am pus alaturi de un Barkas pt compararea dimensiunilor.
Robur Garant 30k Omnibus (1956) - IST Models
Robur Garant 30k was a minibus built in DDR (East Germany), at the VEB Phanomen Werke plant from Zittau, starting from 1956. It shared the same platform with a similar designed light truck. It featured a 60 hp, 3000 cc engine, and was able to carry upto 18 men.
The scale model is produced by IST Models. It's the first bus produced by them and i can say it looks very good. All the details (stairs, vents, small doors) are nicely replicated, and the color scheme is identical to a model showed into a German museum. The mirrors have "glass". The wipers are a bit thick, but it's not disturbing. The interior is completely decorated, having dashboard gauges, brown seats, with silver handles. I placed it besides a Barkas to compare the dimensions.
25 September, 2011
Robur Garant 30k Omnibus (1956) - IST Models
17 September, 2011
IFA w50L (1965) - IST Models/Atlas
Industrieverband Fahrzeugbau (Asociatia Industriala pentru Constructii de Masini), prescurtat IFA, a fost o uniune a constructorilor de masini din fosta Germanie de Est (DDR). Printre constructori se numarau Trabant, Wartburg, Barkas, Robur, Multicar, Simson si MZ.
IFA w50L s-a produs in orasul Ludwigsfelde intre anii 1965 si 1990. A fost principalul "cal de povara" al DDR-ului, existand in peste 60 de variante si combinatii. A fost propulsat de un motor de 6560 cc cu o putere de 125 CP, si a existant si in varianta 4x4. Camionul s-a exportat, indeosebi, in tarile din Europa de Est si in Africa.
Macheta este produsa de IST Models fiind si inscriptionata corespunzator pe sasiu. Vine pe un postament care imita o strada pavata, impreuna cu un pliant de prezentare. Este realizata destul de bine, fiind undeva peste medie, producatorul optand pt varianta camion cu prelata. Toate detaliile si inscriptiile sunt replicate coresounzator atat in fata cat si in spate. Oglinzile au "sticla" iar la interior se disting indicatoarele de bord, replicate cu ajutorul decalurilor. Personal sunt foarte multumit de ea, fiind un model pe care il astept demult la 1:43.
IFA w50L (1965) - IST Models/Atlas
Industrieverband Fahrzeugbau, shortened IFA was a association between several vehicle constructors from former East Germany (DDR). Trabant, Wartburg, Barkas were among the constructors.
IFA W50L was produced in Ludwigsfelde between 1965 and 1990. It had a 125 hp, 6500 cc engine. A 4x4 version also existed. The truck was exported in all the East European countries and Africa
The scale model is produced and badged by IST Models. It comes with a post that looks like a paved road, and a brochure. It is very well made, above average. All the details and decorations are well replicated. The mirrors have "glass" and the interior has the dashboard gauges replicated by decals. Overall, it is a very good model, much expected at 1:43.
IFA w50L s-a produs in orasul Ludwigsfelde intre anii 1965 si 1990. A fost principalul "cal de povara" al DDR-ului, existand in peste 60 de variante si combinatii. A fost propulsat de un motor de 6560 cc cu o putere de 125 CP, si a existant si in varianta 4x4. Camionul s-a exportat, indeosebi, in tarile din Europa de Est si in Africa.
Macheta este produsa de IST Models fiind si inscriptionata corespunzator pe sasiu. Vine pe un postament care imita o strada pavata, impreuna cu un pliant de prezentare. Este realizata destul de bine, fiind undeva peste medie, producatorul optand pt varianta camion cu prelata. Toate detaliile si inscriptiile sunt replicate coresounzator atat in fata cat si in spate. Oglinzile au "sticla" iar la interior se disting indicatoarele de bord, replicate cu ajutorul decalurilor. Personal sunt foarte multumit de ea, fiind un model pe care il astept demult la 1:43.
IFA w50L (1965) - IST Models/Atlas
Industrieverband Fahrzeugbau, shortened IFA was a association between several vehicle constructors from former East Germany (DDR). Trabant, Wartburg, Barkas were among the constructors.
IFA W50L was produced in Ludwigsfelde between 1965 and 1990. It had a 125 hp, 6500 cc engine. A 4x4 version also existed. The truck was exported in all the East European countries and Africa
The scale model is produced and badged by IST Models. It comes with a post that looks like a paved road, and a brochure. It is very well made, above average. All the details and decorations are well replicated. The mirrors have "glass" and the interior has the dashboard gauges replicated by decals. Overall, it is a very good model, much expected at 1:43.
02 September, 2011
Nysa N59 (1959) - DeAgostini/IST Models
Dubita Nysa a fost produsa in orasul Nysa din Polonia, din 1958 pana in 1994. Bazata pe aceeasi platforma ca Zuk, platforma imprumutata de la Warszawa, Nysa a avut un design rotunjit, spre deosebire de Zuk, care avea un design unghiular. A fost mult mai buna si mai confortabila pentru transportul de pasageri. In perioada de inceput a productiei, a fost singura duba disponibila, din aceasta cauza fiind folosita intensiv ca Ambulanta si ca masina a Militiei. Varful de popularitate a fost atins in anii '70, iar pana la oprirea productiei uzina din Nysa a fabricat 380.575 de masini. Modelul Nysa N59 a fost un facelift al primului model, N57.
Macheta face parte din colectia DeAgostini din Polonia. Are o realizare solida iar forma este corect reprodusa. Lipsesc mici decoratii cum ar fi chederele si detaliile de interior, lucru normal pt aceste machete low-cost. Grila din fata este replicata doar prin decal-uri fara a fi facuta in relief sau perforata. In spate se gaseste sigla N59 usor lizibila (ca si cele din fata) iar lampile si semnalizarile sunt de culori diferite. Interiorul este corect reprodus, complet negru si este de tip microbuz, cu 4 randuri de scaune. Este una din machetele mele preferate, ale acestei serii.
Nysa N59 (1959) - DeAgostini/IST Models
The Nysa van was produced in Poland, between 1958 and 1994. Was based on the same platform as Zuk, which was taken from Warsawa. Nysa had a round design compared to the angular Zuk.Was better and very comfortable for passenger transportation. Being the only van of its time, it was very used as ambulance and Militia car. Nysa was produced in 380.575 pcs. Nysa N59 is a facelift of the first model, Nysa N58
The scale model comes from the Polish DeAgostini collection. It is very solid and correct replicated. Some small decos are missing, but that's ok for its low price. The front grille is not embossed, only decals being used. The logos are easily readable, and the rearlight have different colors. It has a minibus type interior with 9 seats. It's one of my favorites from this collection.
Macheta face parte din colectia DeAgostini din Polonia. Are o realizare solida iar forma este corect reprodusa. Lipsesc mici decoratii cum ar fi chederele si detaliile de interior, lucru normal pt aceste machete low-cost. Grila din fata este replicata doar prin decal-uri fara a fi facuta in relief sau perforata. In spate se gaseste sigla N59 usor lizibila (ca si cele din fata) iar lampile si semnalizarile sunt de culori diferite. Interiorul este corect reprodus, complet negru si este de tip microbuz, cu 4 randuri de scaune. Este una din machetele mele preferate, ale acestei serii.
Nysa N59 (1959) - DeAgostini/IST Models
The Nysa van was produced in Poland, between 1958 and 1994. Was based on the same platform as Zuk, which was taken from Warsawa. Nysa had a round design compared to the angular Zuk.Was better and very comfortable for passenger transportation. Being the only van of its time, it was very used as ambulance and Militia car. Nysa was produced in 380.575 pcs. Nysa N59 is a facelift of the first model, Nysa N58
The scale model comes from the Polish DeAgostini collection. It is very solid and correct replicated. Some small decos are missing, but that's ok for its low price. The front grille is not embossed, only decals being used. The logos are easily readable, and the rearlight have different colors. It has a minibus type interior with 9 seats. It's one of my favorites from this collection.
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