UAZ 469 este un autovehicul de teren produs de UAZ (Ulyanovsky Avtomobilny Zavod) in Rusia. A fost introdus in 1973 pentru a inlocui vechiul GAZ 69. A fost si este, in general, folosit de Armata Rosie si de alte forte ale Pactului de la Varsovia, cat si de fortele paramilitare din Blocul Estic. In URSS a fost folosit de catre toate organizatiile guvernamentale care aveau nevoie de o masina de teren robusta. Fiabilitatea lui a ajuns legendara, dar masina nu a fost disponibile publicului larg, decat intr-o foarte mica masura.
Macheta, produsa pt DeAgostini, este reusita, ca si celelalte 2 masini de teren prezentate pana acum. Macheta are o singura oglinda, farurile au nituri, iar vopseaua este mata. Semnalele ar cam trebui sa fie portocalii, dar in general sunt multumit de realizarea acestei machete.
UAZ 469 (1973) - DeAgostini/IST Models
UAZ 469 is a all-terrain vehicle produced by UAZ (Ulyanovsky Avtomobilny Zavod) in Russia. It was released in 1973 to replace the obsolete GAZ 69. It was, and still is, used by the Red Army and other military and paramilitary forces throughout the East Block. In former USSR, it was use by all the government organizations which needed a though off-road car. His reliability became legendary, but the car was not available for the public.
The scale model, produced for DeAgostini is well-made like the other 2 offroaders described before. It has only one mirror, the headlights have rivets and the paint is matte. The turning lights should be orange. I am happy with the realization of this model.
vreau si eu 2-3 exemplare ! ;)
ReplyDeleteadrian catalin petre