12 November, 2010

Dacia Duster "Trophee Andros" (2010) - Spark

         Dacia Duster a aparut in 2010 si este primul SUV produs de Dacia. A fost prezentat ca model de competitie ca o avanpremiera a modelului de serie ce urma a fi lansat, in cadrul unei campanii de marketing bine pusa la punct. A fost construit in intregime de Renault Sport, si are putine in comun cu modelul de serie, avand un motor V6 de 3 litri care dezvolta 350 CP, amplasat central. Caroseria din fibra de sticla imita SUV-ul dar varianta de competitie e mai scurta, si mai joasa. Alain Prost a concurat pe aceasta masina la Trofeul Andros, si a iesit pe locul I in cateva etape

         Am reusit, in cele din urma, sa pun mana pe macheta prezentata aici. Este produsa de SPARK, din rasina in serie limitata la 1200 de bucati. Este foarte fin realizata, specific machetelor din acest material, iar rotile sunt fixe. Muchiile sunt bine definite si nu sunt probleme cu aplicarea vopselei sau a decalurilor. Totul este frumos si atent realizat, cele mai impresionante fiind stergatoarele, dintre care unul este amplasat pe geamul soferului. Blocurile optice nu au nituri. Interiorul este detaliat, cu scaune sport inscriptionate si rollbar. Sub macheta se poate vedea o parte din motor, teava de esapament perforata si carligele de remorcare realizate prin fotodecupare. Este prima mea macheta din rasina si este intr-adevar impresionanta.

Dacia Duster "Trophee Andros" (2010) - Spark

          Dacia Duster was launched in 2010, and it's the first SUV made by Dacia. It was presented as a racing model, a preview of the following series model. It was 100 percent build by Reanult Sport, and it has few common features with the series model. It has a 3 liter V6 engine, that could develop 350 hp. The body, made from fiberglass, resembles to the sUV but it's shorter on the racing version, and much lower. Alain Prost raced with this car at the Andros Trophee, and got a first place in a few events.

        I managed, after all to get this scale model, that I presented here. It's produced by SPARK, from resin. It's limited to 1200 pcs. It's very fine made, like resin models usually are, but the wheels are glued and not spinning. The edges are very well defined and there are no problems with the paint and the decals. Everything is beautiful and carefully made, the most impressive being the wipers. The lights don't have rivets. The interior is detailed, with sport chairs and rollbar. Under the model, a part of the engine, perforated exhaust pipe and towing rings are visible.

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