31 October, 2010

GAZ M20 "Pobeda" Cabrio (1946) - DeAgostini/IST Models

        GAZ M-20 "Pobeda" Cabrio, este varianta decapotabila in 4 usi a modelului Pobeda facut de rusi. In spiritul acelor vremuri, transformarea in "cabrio" s-a facut fara prea multa bataie de cap, inlocuindu-se metalul cu panza, fara nici cea mai mica schimbare de design. In acealsi stil s-au facut, cativa ani mai tarziu, GAZ69A si ARO 241, mai cunoscute in Romania.

        Macheta face parte din colectia DeAgostini din Rusia, si deocamdata este o macheta exclusiv pt ei. Realizarea machetei este similara cu a modelului Hard-top prezentat aici .

GAZ M20 "Pobeda" Cabrio (1946) - DeAgostini/IST Models

        GAZ M-20 "Pobeda" Cabrio, is the 4-door convertible version of the Pobeda car made by the russians. In the spirit of that times, the transformation to convertible was made without too much struggle. They just replaced the metal with the canvas without any design change. In the same style, a few years later, GAZ69A and Aro 241 were made.

      The scale model belongs to the DeAgostini collection from Russia, and until now it only available there. The features of the model are similar with the hard-top model presented here.