25 September, 2010

GAZ M21 "Volga" (1958) - DeAgostini/IST Models

        Incep, in mod traditional, cu cea mai cunoscuta "comunista", dar si cea mai frumoasa si cea mai cea... Un superlativ pe roti, emblema a Europei de Est...
        GAZ M21 "Volga", care isi trage numele de la fluviul omonim, a intrat pe masa proiectantilor la inceputul anilor '50. A fost succesoarea Pobedei. A fost construita pentru drumurile dure din acea perioada, iar design-ul ei era inspirat din cel al automobilelor americane. A fost produsa in 3 serii, usor diferite ca design, si a fost exportata in toata Europa. A fost usor inaccesibila oamenilor de rand datorita pretului ridicat. In Romania, a fost masina oficialitatilor, mai ales in culoarea neagra.

         Macheta reproduce a doua serie, produsa intre 1958-1962, care dupa parerea mea este cea mai putin frumoasa dintre cele 3. As fi vrut ca cei de la DeA sa aleaga cea de a 3-a serie pt colectia lor. Ea exista in colectia din Rusia dar in varianta break (kombi). Detaliile machetei sunt limitate, fiind o macheta de revista. Interiorul e de o singura culoare, fara detalii (ceasuri etc) evidente. La exterior farurile au niturile putin prea vizibile. In rest, doar detaliile de baza. As putea acorda un plus pt siglele si "gazela" de pe capota. Rotile sunt de asemenea reusite.

GAZ M21 "Volga" (1958) - DeAgostini/IST Models

         I start the presentations of  communist cars with the most popular one, the wheeled symbol of the Eastern Block.
        GAZ M21 "Volga" gets his name from the Volga river, and it entered on the drawing board at the beginning of the '50s. It was the successor of the Pobeda. It was a tough car, build for the rough roads of that era, and his design was inspired from the american cars. It was produced in 3 facelift, slightly different, and it was exported to all Europe. It wasn't very accessible to the ordinary people due to its high price. In Romania, it was the car of the leaders, especially in black  color.

        The scale model replicates the second facelift, produced between 1958-1962, which, in my opinion is the less beautiful of all the 3 models.  I wished that DeAgostini choose the 3rd one for the collection. It exists on the russian collection but it's the estate (kombi) version. The details are limited to a "magazine" model. The interior it's in one color, without the small details (gauges, etc.). The headlights have visible rivets. I can give it a good mark for the fine made logos and the "gazelle" from the hood. The wheels are also very good.

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