29 January, 2011

Wartburg 312 Limousine (1956) - DeAgostini/IST Models

       Wartburg este una dintre cele mai vechi marci de automobile germane. Isi trage numele de la castelul Wartburg de langa orasul Eisenach, unde a luat fiinta aceasta marca auto. Wartburg 312 a fost produs incepand cu anul 1956 pana in 1965, cand a fost inlocuit de Wartburg 353. Era disponibil in variante sedan, combi, pickup, coupe, roadster si cabrio. Motorul sau era unul in doi timpi, de 900 cmc, 3 cilindri. A fost exportat e tot cuprinsul Europei si in State, fiind o priveliste destul de comuna si in Romania anilor '60.

       Macheta este tot din colectia DeAgostini si produsa de IST Models. Printre cele mai reusite componente se numara siglele, perfect lizibile si blocurile optice care sunt diferentiate pe culori, lucru rar pt DeAgostini. S-a optat pt varianta in 2 culori, dupa opinia mea o alegere perfecta. Nu la fel de reusite sunt stergatoarele si oglinzile. Erori nu are si pe ansamblu este o machete peste medie.

Wartburg 312 Limousine (1956) - DeAgostini/IST Models

        Wartburg is one of the oldest german car brand. It gets the name from the Wartburg castle near the city of Eisenach, where this car was developed. Wartburg 312 entered production in 1956 and was built until 1965 when it was replace with the Wartburg 353. It was available in multiple body styles: sedan, estate, pick-up, coupe, roadster,  cabrio. It had a 2-stroke, 900 cmc, 3 cylinder engine. It was exported all across Europe and USA, being a common sight in Romania in the '60s.

        The scale model is also from the DeAgostini collection, produced by IST Models. Badges are among the most well made features of this model. The backlights have different colors, which is unusual to DeAgostini models. They chosed a 2 color paint job, which i find very good. The mirrors and the wipers are a bit rough. It does not have replication errors, being an above average model

12 January, 2011

Trabant 601 - (1963) - DeAgostini/IST Models

        Trabant este un automobil produs in fosta Germanie de Est (DDR) la uzina VEB Sachsenring Automobilwerke din Zwickau. Este cel mai comun autoturism produs in DDR, produs in peste 3 milioane de exemplare si exportat in tarile comuniste, dar si in afara lor. Cu performantele sale medii, cu motorul in 2 timpi care scoate mult fum, caroseria din "carton" si aspectul lui amuzant, a fost iubit, urat si subiectul multor bancuri. Cu toate astea, lista de asteptare era de pana la 15 ani, iar cei care apucau unul se considerau norocosi si il pastrau cu grija. A fost prima masina care era mai scumpa la mana a doua decat noua.
Numele sau "Trabant" inseamna "satelit", si a fost ales in 1957, anul lansarii primului satelit artificial, Sputnik.
        Trabant 601 este al doilea model, intrat in productie in anul 1963, fara mari diferente fata de primul, cu exceptia designului.

        Macheta, este produsa de IST Models pt DeAgostini. Mi se pare cea mai reusita reproducere a acestei masini la 1:43, in comparatie cu ce am mai vazut. Este bine realizat, fara erori. Chiar m-a surprins placut stergatoarele, fin reprezentatate. Decalurile sunt bine aplicate si lizibile. Interiorul si stopurile in stilul DeAgostini, monocolor.

Trabant 601 - (1963) - DeAgostini/IST Models

        Trabant is a vehicle that was produced in the former East Germany (DDR) at the VEB Sachsenring Automobilwerke factory in Zwickau. It is the most common car made in DDR, produced in over 3 millions pieces, and exported in all the Communist Block, and even outside. With his average performance, 2 stroke, smoky engine, "cardboard" body, and its funny looking, it was loved, hated and subject of many jokes. Even so, the waiting list for getting a Trabant was up to 15 years long, and the ones who got one were very caring with it. It was the first car which was cheaper to buy it new, that second hand. Its name, "Trabant" means "satellite" and it was given in 1957, the year of the first artificial satellite, Sputnik.
        Trabant 601 was the second model, entered in production in 1963, not very different from the first one, except the design.

       The scale model, is produced by IST Models for DeAgostini. It looks very good when compared with the same model from other producers. It is well made without errors. I was pleasantly surprised by the wipers, very fine made. The decals are clear and readable. The interior and the backlights are DeAgostini style, monocolored.

01 January, 2011

Barkas B1000 Minibus - (1970) - DeAgostini/IST Models

        Barkas B1000 a fost o furgoneta produsa intr-o fabrica noua din Republica Democrata Germana (DDR), pe locul fostei fabrici Framo, in orasul Karl-Marx-Stadt (actual Chemnitz), vechea fabrica fiind luata de rusi ca reparatii de razboi, la sfarsitul anilor '40. Productia a inceput in 1961 si a continuat pana in 1991. A fost propulsat initial de un motor de 45 de cai, in trei cilindri si doi timpi. Acest motor a fost derivat din cel de la DKW si a fost folosit in paralel si de Wartburg. A fost considerat echicvalentul lui VW T1 si T2 pentru Germania de Est, fiind considerat chiar mai bun din punct de vedere practic si al configurabilitatii, datorita amplasarii frontale a motorului. A fost destinat in principal serviciilor publice, iar persoanele private asteptau pana la 14 ani pt unul. S-au produs aproximativ 175.000 de exemplare.

        Macheta este produsa de IST Models. Ea reproduce varianta microbus a Barkas-ului, alte variante fiind duba inchisa, fara geamuri, si pick-up, pe care sper sa mi le adaug candva la colectie. Produsa de IST, pt DeAgostini, macheta are lipsurile specifice machetelor de revista. Cel mai mare minus mi se pare lipsa farurilor de ceata, care desi optionale ii dau un aspect deosebit Barkas-ului. Am impresia ca nici masca nu urmareste exact conturul corect. Oglinzile si stergatoarele sunt realizate peste medie, inscriptiile de asemenea. Jantele sunt asortate cu caroseria si frumos realizate.

Barkas B1000 Minibus - (1970) - IST Models

         Barkas B1000 was a van produced in a new factory from Deutsch Democratic Republic, on the site of the Former Framo factory, in the actual city of Chemnitz. Production started in 1961 and continued until 1991. It had a 3 cyilinder, 3 stroke, 45 hp engine. This engine derived from the DKW and was also used by Wartburg. Barkas was considered the equivalent of VW T1 and T2 for the East Germany, some features making it even better. It was much more variable in its configuration due to the frontal engine placement. It was mostly used by the public services. Private people waiting upto 14 years to get one. Aprox 175.000 pcs. were produced.

          The scale model is produced by IST Models. It replicates the minibus version of  the Barkas, some other versions being panel van and pick-up, which I hope to add to my collection sometimes. It has some lacks, specific to magazine models. The biggest lack is the missing fog lights. They were optional, to the real car, but they make the Barkas look nicer. It is possible that the front grille is also a bit wrong, but I am not very sure. The mirrors and the wipers are above average, the decals are too. The rims are assorted to the body, and very nice made.