Macheta este tot din colectia DeAgostini si produsa de IST Models. Printre cele mai reusite componente se numara siglele, perfect lizibile si blocurile optice care sunt diferentiate pe culori, lucru rar pt DeAgostini. S-a optat pt varianta in 2 culori, dupa opinia mea o alegere perfecta. Nu la fel de reusite sunt stergatoarele si oglinzile. Erori nu are si pe ansamblu este o machete peste medie.
Wartburg 312 Limousine (1956) - DeAgostini/IST Models
Wartburg is one of the oldest german car brand. It gets the name from the Wartburg castle near the city of Eisenach, where this car was developed. Wartburg 312 entered production in 1956 and was built until 1965 when it was replace with the Wartburg 353. It was available in multiple body styles: sedan, estate, pick-up, coupe, roadster, cabrio. It had a 2-stroke, 900 cmc, 3 cylinder engine. It was exported all across Europe and USA, being a common sight in Romania in the '60s.
The scale model is also from the DeAgostini collection, produced by IST Models. Badges are among the most well made features of this model. The backlights have different colors, which is unusual to DeAgostini models. They chosed a 2 color paint job, which i find very good. The mirrors and the wipers are a bit rough. It does not have replication errors, being an above average model