24 August, 2010

Dacia Logan MCV (2006) - Eligor

    Dacia Logan MCV (Multi Convivial Vehicle) a fost lansat in 2006, la doi ani de la modelul Logan sedan, la Salonul Auto de la Paris (Paris Motor Show). Acesta este versiunea station wagon a modelului Logan, care dispune de șapte locuri dispuse pe trei rânduri(2+3+2); ultimul putând fi demontat. Are la baza conceptul Steppe.
     Macheta, produsa de Eligor este destul de reusita. La exterior, vopseaua e ok, iar decalurile sunt bine aplicate si sunt lizibile. Farurile si stopurile nu au nituri vizibile. La interior, se disting ceasurile de bord, butoanele de pe consola, iar tapiseria scaunelor si usilor e texturata. Macheta reproduce modelul cu 7 locuri. Exemplarul aflat in posesia mea a suferit un accident, in urma caruia i s-a rupt antena si s-a indoit un suport de pe plafon.

Dacia Logan MCV (2006) - Eligor
    Dacia Logan MCV (Multi Convivial Vehicle) was released in 2006, two years after the Logan sedan, at the Paris Motor Show. This is the station wagon version of the Dacia Logan, which can have up to seven places, on thre rows (2+3+2). The last row can be uninstalled. It is based on the Steppe Concept.
     The scale model, made by Eligor it's fairly good. The paint job is ok, the decals are well applied and easy to read. The headlights and taillights don't have visible rivets. At the interior, you can easily see the dashboard gauges, console switches, and the doors and the seats are textured.
   The model i have had a small "accident", which caused the antena to broke and a roof rail to bend.


  1. cum pot cumpara si eu asemenea machete???

  2. pai seria de Logane se gaseste pe la reprezentanta Dacia, Dacia 1300 (si alte modele) la DeAgostini la chioscul de ziare, si restul pe okazii.ro sau alte magazine online.
