Lada Niva sau VAZ-2121 a fost primul model al producatorului rus AutoVAZ, care nu a fost bazat pe un Fiat. In rusa "Niva" inseamna "teren agricol", "tarla" . Masina a intrat in productie in 1977 si se produce si astazi fara modificari majore. Este foarte populara in Rusia, dar si in alte tari ale caror relief cere o astfel de masina robusta la un pret mic. In Romania, este intens folosita de pasionatii de off-road, excursii sau vanatoare.
Macheta, produsa de IST Models (PCT) pt DeAgostini este printre primele ca realizare. Detaliile abunda, mai ales pt un model de revista. Are sasiul foarte detaliat reprezentat si nu are erori de replicare. Toate geamurile prezinta chedere argintii si toate emblemele sunt perfect lizibile. Ca in cazul majoritatii autovehiculelor 4x4 de la DeAgostini, nu am nimic de reprosta in afara omisiunilor specifice acestei colectii (nituri si alte mici detalii)
Lada Niva (1977) - DeAgostini/IST Models
Lada Niva, aka VAZ-2121 was the first model of Russian automaker AutoVAZ, not based on Fiat. In Russian, "Niva" means "crop field". The car entered production in 1977 and is still in production with no major changes since then. It is very popular in Russia but also in other countries with the relief demanding for a tough car at a low price. In Romania, it is used by the people offroad, trips, and hunting enthusiasts.
The scale model is produced by IST Models (PCT) for the DeAgostini series. It has a lot of nice details, specially when talking about a press release. The chassis is highly detailed with no errors. All the windows have gray trims, and all the logos and emblems are easy readable. Like other 4x4s in this collection, nothing to reproach.
lada niva este si in colectia ''masini de legenda din romania doar ca e galbena am remarcat ca are deacelea penru iarna
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