22 December, 2013

ZIL 4906 "Blue Bird" (1980) - DIP Models

   ZIL 4906 "Blue bird" este un autovehicul amfibiu folosit de autoritatile din Rusia, chiar si de Autoritatea Aerospatiala, in unele dintre cele mai grele misiuni, indeosebi misiune de salvare si recuperare. Vehiculul de dimensiuni impresionante, cu tractiune 6x6 poate fi adaptat pt mai multe tipuri de misiuni (transport trupe, transport agabaritic, macara etc) . A fost folosit inclusiv la recuperarea echipajelor si echipamentelor intoarse din spatiu si parasutate prin cele mai neprietenoase si greu accesibile zone.

  ZIL 4906 "la munca" - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lezDW6lp-9M

     Macheta prezentata este produsa de DIP Models si prezinta o varianta folosita pt transport divers, dotata si cu o macara de autoincarcare. Este realizata din rasina. Prezinta o multime de piese fotodecupate, sarmulite, toate facute pt a reproduce fiecare detaliu al uimitoarei masini.

ZIL 4906 "Blue Bird" (1980) - DIP Models

   ZIL 4906 "Blue Bird" is a amphibious vehicle used by the Russian authorities, including the Aerospatial, in ones of the most difficult search, save and recovery missions and tasks. The impressive sized vehicle, 6x6 traction, can be adapted  to multiple mission types (troop transport, heavy transports, crane etc). It was also used in recovery of crew and equipment returned from space and deployed in the most unfriendly and difficult areas

  The model is made in resin by DIP Models, being one of their flagship models. It is full of details, photoetched parts and wires, to give a good replica of the amazing machine.

15 December, 2013

Hanomag ST-100 cu remorca "Deutsche post" - (1945) - Schuco

     Hanomag (Hanoverian Maschinenbau AG) a fost o companie nemteasca producatoare de camioane, tractoare si vehicule de cale ferata. Hanomag ST-100 a fost urmasul lui Hanomag SS-100, si era un tractor - remorcher intens utilizat.

     Macheta este produsa de Schuco si face parte dintr-o serie de machete produsa in editie limitata "Deusche Post". Este o macheta reusita si detaliata la maxim, cu piese fotodecupate.

Hanomag ST-100 with trailer "Deutsche post" - (1945) - Schuco

    Hanomag (Hanoverian Maschinenbau AG) was a German company specializing in truck, tractor and railway vehicle production. Hanomag ST-100 was a tractor which succeded Hanomag SS-100 in 1945

   The model is made by Schuco in a limited editon for Deutsche Post, not easy to find

07 December, 2013

IFA Horch H3A "Deutsche Post" - (1949) - IST Models

 Camionul IFA Horch H3A a aparut in 1949 si a fost prezentat ca fiind primul camion produs nou-formatul stat DDR (Republica Democrata Germana). Era, de fapt succesorul lui Horch H3, produs tot la Zwickau, un camion cu o cabina mai scurta si destul de asemanator cu H3A. Avea o sarcina utila de 3,5 tone si a fost produs pentru uzul civil. Camionul a fost, in cele din urma, folosit si de serviciile publice (politie, pompieri etc.), varianta tip "duba" fiind folosita de Posta.

    Macheta este produsa IXO/IST pt colectia DDR Trucks distribuita de Atlas. Caroseria este din metal, destul de grea, sasiul fiind din plastic. Macheta nu prezinta nici un fel de blocuri de lumini in partea din spate.  :-('' Nu am reusit sa gasesc poze cu modelul real, din spate, deci nici nu stiu cum ar trebui sa arate.

IFA Horch H3A "Deutsche Post" - (1949) - IST Models

The IFA Horch H3A Truck was released in 1949 and marketed as the first truck made in the new DDR. It was, in fact, the follower of Horch H3, also made in Zwickau, a truck with shortened cab and also similar with H3A. It was produced for public and civil use, the van version being used by the Post

   The model is made by IST/IXO for the DDR Trucks collection published by Atlas. It has a metalic body and plastic chassis.

06 December, 2013

Piniuli returns :)

Dupa 2 ani de inactivitate, revenim pe acest blog cu prezentarea colectiei personale (care intre timp a ajuns la aprox 800 de miniaturi), dar fara a mai dedica spatiu colectiei DeAgostini - Masini de Legenda.

Vizionare placuta!

After 2 years of inactivity, I return with the presentation of 1:43 models from my personal collection (meanwhille containing over 800 models), but without enhancing on the DeAgostini - Legendary Cars collection.
