Barkas B1000 Pick-up este varianta "utilitara" a microbusului Barkas prezentat mai devreme. Camioneta Barkas avea sarcina utila de o tona si era destul de robusta si fiabila. Au aparut si prin Romania dupa 1990, unele mai circuland si azi.
Macheta este produsa de IST Models si este serie limitata la 999 de bucati in aceasta schema de culori si inscriptii, fiind facuta pentru importatorul IST Models in Germania, Cars&Co. Macheta arata foarte bine, avand toate detaliile posibile la aceasta scara si la aceasta categorie de pret, si fara defecte. Interiorul este colorat maro, cu ceasurile de bord reprezentate prin decaluri.
Barkas B1000 Pick-up - (1970) - IST Models (Cars&Co Edition)
Barkas B1000 Pick-up is the utility version of the Barkas minibus presented earlier. The Barkas minitruck had 1 ton payload and it was quite rough and reliable. They were common in Romania too after 1990, some still on the roads today.
The scale model is produced by IST Models and it's limited edition to 999 pcs in this color scheme. The model looks excellent with all the details possible at this scale and price, without flaws. The inside is brown, with the dashboard instruments drew by decals.