26 July, 2011

Lada Samara 2108 (1984) - DeAgostini/IST Models

       Lada Samara sau VAZ 2108 este un autoturism din clasa economica, produs in URSS / Rusia intre 1984 si 2004. Numele de Samara a fost folosit doar pt export, in Rusia fiind vanduta sub numele de VAZ 2108 si poreclita "Sputnik". S-a produs in mai multe variante de caroserie: sedan, coupe, break cu motorizari de 1.1 , 1.3 si 1.5 litri. Design-ul a fost unul autentic rusesc, nefiind copiata sau produsa sub licenta. S-a vandut in toate lumea sub o multime de denumiri.

        Macheta reproduce modelul scurt, in 2 usi, de unde si codul 2108. Este produsa de IST pt DeAgostini. Realizarea este una peste medie, macheta nu are greseli si respecta in totalitate modelul real. Farurile sunt realizate in alt stil, nefiind prinse cu nituri. Blocurile optice din spate sunt monocolore. Stergatoarele si oglinzile sunt bine realizate, iar interiorul este complet negru.

Lada Samara 2108 (1984) - DeAgostini/IST Models

       Lada Samara or VAZ 2108 is a economy class car, made in USSR/Russia between 1984 and 2004. The name "Samara" was used only for export, in Russia being named VAZ 2108 and nicknamed "Sputnik". It was produced in many versions: sedan, coupe, estate with 1.1, 1.3 and 1.5 engines. The design was authentic, not being copied nor produced under license. It was sold worldwide unde several names.

      This model replicates the short, 2 door, version, which gives it the code 2108. It is produced by IST Models for DeAgostini. It has an above average quality, with no errors. The headlights have no rivets. The rearlight ar only red. The wipers, mirrors and interior are completely black but accurately made.

23 July, 2011

Noutati de la NEO

     Zilele acestea Neo Scale Models a prezentat varianta finala a 2 modele prezentante sub forma de presample la Targul de la Nurnberg. Este vorba de Skoda 110R Coupe si Man F8, parintelele Roman-ului. Nu exista inca preturi dar fiind vorba de Neo si de rasina, ne putem astepta undeva la 50 euro pt Skoda si 60-70 pentru Man F8

Lada VAZ 2104 (1984) - DeAgostini/IST Models

       VAZ 2104 (cunoscuta in vest ca Lada Riva Kombi) este varianta break a VAZ 2105. Cele doua modele erau bazate tot pe batrana Lada 1200 (VAZ 2101) dar aveau un design actualizat pentru anii 80. Printre cele mai evidente schimbari s-au efectuat la nivelul farurilor, acestea devenind dreptunghiulare. Grila a fost deasemenea schimbata, si s-a renuntat la crom.

       Macheta este aproape incredibil de reusita pt un DeAgostini de revista, care deocamdata a aparut doar in Rusia. Este, poate, singura care are lampile din spate diferentiate pe culori. Este ingriijit lucrata, fara elemente strambe, toate geamurile au chedere. Stergatoarele sunt subtiri si negre, iar jantele sunt fidel replicate. Interiorul este complet negru dar reprezentat corect.

 Lada VAZ 2104 (1984) - DeAgostini/IST Models

        VAZ 2104 (known in the West as Lada Riva Kombi) is the estate version of VAZ 2105. The 2 models were still based on the old Lada 1200 (VAZ 2101) but they had a updated design for the '80. Among the most obvious changes were the headlights, which became rectangular. The grille was also changed and the car did not featured any chromed parts.

       The model is very well made for a partwork Deagostini model. It belongs to the russian collection. I think it is the only model that has color-separated rearlights. It is carefully made, with no crooked pieces, and all the windows have black trims. The wipers are thin and black, and the rims are accurately replicated. The interior is black but also correct.

05 July, 2011

Lada 1200 (1970) - DeAgostini/IST Models

      Lada 1200, sau VAZ 2101 "Zhiguli", cum era cunoscuta pe piata din URSS a intrat in productie in 1970, si s-a produs pana in 1984, cativa ani fiind disponibila in paralel cu sora Lada 1500. Masina era identica cu Fiat 124 fiind produsa sub licenta, dar era adaptata la standardele rusesti. Grosimea tablei din care era facuta a ramas legendara, iar primele versiuni ofereau posibilitatea pornirii motorului la manivela, mai ales pentru zonele reci ala Siberiei. Fiat a interzis vanzarea modelului in Vestul Europei, dar aceasta a avut totusi loc dupa ce Fiat 124 a iesit din productie. In Romania au existant si inca exista foarte multe exemplare.

      Macheta este produsa de IST pentru colectiile DeAgostini, avand o realizare mediocra. Spre deosebire de majoritatea modelelor din colectie, acesta nu are decalurile realizate bine, cele din spate lipsind in totalitate. Blocurile optice din spate, desi diferentiate pe culori, sunt vopsite peste crom, iar luminile de marsarier si semnalele din fata, sunt deasemenea reprezentate cu crom. Interiorul e detaliat dar e complet negru iar stergatoarele dau impresia unor ace.

Lada 1200 (1970) - DeAgostini/IST Models

      Lada 1200, aka VAZ 2101 "Zhiguli" (as known in USSR) entered in production in 1970, and was produced until 1984, some years being available with his younger sister, Lada 1500. The car was, in fact, a Fiat 124 built under license, but adapted to russian standards. The thickness of the metal it was built from became legendary, and the first versions had the feature to manually start the engine with a crank, for the cold regions of Siberia. Fiat banned the selling of the cars in Western Europe, but this happened after Fiat 124 ceased its production. In Romania, it was a very popular car, a lot still existing today.

      The model is produced by IST for the DeAgostini collection, at a medium quality. Unlike other models from the collection, this one has quite bad decals, the ones from the rear missing completely. The rearlights are painted differently for each light, but the paint was applied over the chrome. The interior is detailed and all black.. The wipers look like needles.