Tatra 613 este un automobil de lux produs de constructorul ceh Tatra intre 1974 si 1996, care a inlocuit seria Tatra 603. A beneficiat de o caroserie noua, conceputa de carosierul italian Vignale , si de doua motoare de 3.5 respectiv 4.3 litri. A suferit aproximativ 5 mici modificari de design de-a lungul perioadei de productie. Tatra 613 a fost indeosebi folosita de oficialitati dar si de serviciile publice.
Macheta este produsa de IST Models pt DeAgostini. Beneficiaza de o realizare reusita modelul avand toate accesoriile reproduse (lumini de ceata, oglinzi etc). Jantele sunt cromate si reproduse fidel, iar interiorul este complet negru. Stergatoarele sunt destul de fin realizate. Blocurile optice din spate sunt mai prost realizate, fiind din plastic mat rosu.
Tatra 613 (1974) - DeAgostini/IST Models
Tatra 613 is a luxury car built by the Czech manufacturer Tatra between 1974 and 1996, which replaced the old Tatra 603 series. It featured a new body design, drew by the italian designer Vignale, and 2 engines (3.5 and 4.3 liters). During its production lifetime, it had approximately 5 small design modifications. Tatra 613 was especially used by officials and by public services.
The scale model is produced by IST Models for DeAgostini. It is a well made model, with all details reproduced. The rims are chromed and replicated with fidelity, and the interior is all black with no decals. The wipers are fine. The rearlights are made out of matte plastic, unlike most models where they are made in transparent red plastic.