Cunoscut si ca Wartburg Knight, Wartburg 353 a intrat in productie in 1965, si a inlocuit gama Wartburg 311-312. S-a produs pana in 1988, iar in 1985 a primit un facelift si numeroase imbunatatiri. In Germania de Est, a fost intens folosit ca masina a serviciilor publice, in special in politie. Oamenii de rand care isi doreau aceasta masina asteptau pana la 15 ani pentru una. A avut succes la export, in deosebi in Marea Britanie, dar si in tarile din Blocul Estic in care s-a exportat. In Romania nu s-au importat, dar au ajuns multe la mana a doua, dupa '89. Modelul Tourist a fost dezvoltat la sfarsitul anilor '70, inainte de aplicarea faceliftului.
Macheta reproduce modelul dinainte de facelift, disponibil din 1965. Culoarea galben o prinde foarte bine. Ca realizare este reusita. Realizarea este la standaredele DeAgostini, oglinzi fara sticla, decaluri impecabile si jante foarte bine realizate. Interiorul nu prezinta nici o decoratie iar stopurile sunt monocolore.
Wartburg 353 Tourist (1981) - DeAgostini/IST Models
Wartburg 353, a.k.a. Wartburg Knight went in production in 1965, and replaced the Wartburg 31x range. It was produced until 1988, while in 1985 he got a face-lift and other improvements. In the East Germany was used as a public service car, especially by the Police. Ordinary people waited up to 15 years for one. It was a succes in exports, particularly in Great Britain, but also in the other Eastern Block cars. Romania did not imported them officially, but many got here after 1989. The estate version, named Tourist, was developed in the end on the '70s, before the facelift.
The scale model replicates the model before the facelift, which was available since 1965. The yellow color looks very good on this model. The realization is according to the DeAgostini standards, mirrors with no "glass", accurate decals, and very good made rims. The interior lacks any painted details and the backlights are monocolor which is ok for this model.
27 March, 2011
20 March, 2011
Aro 240 (1972) - DeAgostini/IST Models
Aro 240 a fost primul model din seria Aro 24, 0-ul de la sfarsit desemnand caroseria in 2 usi, deschisa, eventual acoperita cu prelata. A intrat in productie in 1972 si a fost produs pana la inchiderea uzinei, in 2006, avand mai multe imbunatatiri tehnice si estetice. Toata gama Aro 24 a suferit o multime de facelift-uri imprumutand de asemenea componente de la alte autovehicule romanesti. Odata, foarte comun, modelul exact reprezentat de aceasta macheta este unul extrem de rar astazi, daca nu chiar disparut in totalitate.
Macheta reproduce prima varianta a lui Aro 240, una dintre cele mai longevive ca perioada de productie. Este vorba de varianta cu grila frontala din metal, care s-a produs atat cu faruri dreptunghiulare cat si cu faruri rotunde. Aceasta este foarte bine reprezentata, avand orificiile grilei vopsite cu negru. Semnalizarile fac corp comun cu modelul dar sunt reprezentate prin decal-uri. Bara reproduce varianta cu tampoane mici, in realitate existand si o varianta cu tampoane mai mari, asemanatoare cu ale primei Dacii 1300. Pe bara este aplicat un nr de inmatriculare de Brasov . Pt aceasta macheta s-a optat pentru stergatoare incorporate in model, lucru care mi se pare destul de potrivt, acestea parand mai realiste, decat oarecare stergatoare aplicate, dar realizate mai prost. Prelata este din plastic, bine facuta, si se poate detasa. Interiorul este corect reprodus, fara decal-uri. Fiind vorba de primul Aro 240, stopurile sunt rotunde, in partea din spate mai gasindu-se si roata de rezerva aplicata pe un suport asemanator cu cel real.
Rotile sunt putin cam mari, si cred ar fi fost mai potrivite unele mai simple, de strada, iar o alta problema este culoarea, aceasta nefiind disponibila pe un model civil.
Aro 240 (1972) - DeAgostini/IST Models
Aro 240 was the first model of the Aro 24 series, the "0" from the end meaning the open 2 door body type, optionally covered with a canvas cover. It went in production in 1972 and was produced until the factory was closed, in 2006, suffering many esthetically and technical updates. All the Aro 24 range went through a series of facelifts, also borrowing items from other Romanian cars. Once very common, the model replicated by this miniature is very rare today, if not extinct.
The scale model replicates the first version of Aro 240, one of the longest time in production: the one with metal grille which was also produced with round headlights. The grille is very well made with the holes painted in black. The blinkers are one with the body but they are represented by decals. The bumper is well made, having a license plate registered in Brasov. For this model, the producer choose to make the wipers incorporated in the model, which i find very welcomed. The canvas cover is plastic, very nice made and detachable. The interior is correct, without any decoration. On the back side, the backlights are round, and we can see the spare wheel mounted onto a frame similar with the real one.
The wheels are a bit large, personally i think some street wheels would have been more suitable. The dark green color was available only for military vehicles.
Macheta reproduce prima varianta a lui Aro 240, una dintre cele mai longevive ca perioada de productie. Este vorba de varianta cu grila frontala din metal, care s-a produs atat cu faruri dreptunghiulare cat si cu faruri rotunde. Aceasta este foarte bine reprezentata, avand orificiile grilei vopsite cu negru. Semnalizarile fac corp comun cu modelul dar sunt reprezentate prin decal-uri. Bara reproduce varianta cu tampoane mici, in realitate existand si o varianta cu tampoane mai mari, asemanatoare cu ale primei Dacii 1300. Pe bara este aplicat un nr de inmatriculare de Brasov . Pt aceasta macheta s-a optat pentru stergatoare incorporate in model, lucru care mi se pare destul de potrivt, acestea parand mai realiste, decat oarecare stergatoare aplicate, dar realizate mai prost. Prelata este din plastic, bine facuta, si se poate detasa. Interiorul este corect reprodus, fara decal-uri. Fiind vorba de primul Aro 240, stopurile sunt rotunde, in partea din spate mai gasindu-se si roata de rezerva aplicata pe un suport asemanator cu cel real.
Rotile sunt putin cam mari, si cred ar fi fost mai potrivite unele mai simple, de strada, iar o alta problema este culoarea, aceasta nefiind disponibila pe un model civil.
Aro 240 (1972) - DeAgostini/IST Models
Aro 240 was the first model of the Aro 24 series, the "0" from the end meaning the open 2 door body type, optionally covered with a canvas cover. It went in production in 1972 and was produced until the factory was closed, in 2006, suffering many esthetically and technical updates. All the Aro 24 range went through a series of facelifts, also borrowing items from other Romanian cars. Once very common, the model replicated by this miniature is very rare today, if not extinct.
The scale model replicates the first version of Aro 240, one of the longest time in production: the one with metal grille which was also produced with round headlights. The grille is very well made with the holes painted in black. The blinkers are one with the body but they are represented by decals. The bumper is well made, having a license plate registered in Brasov. For this model, the producer choose to make the wipers incorporated in the model, which i find very welcomed. The canvas cover is plastic, very nice made and detachable. The interior is correct, without any decoration. On the back side, the backlights are round, and we can see the spare wheel mounted onto a frame similar with the real one.
The wheels are a bit large, personally i think some street wheels would have been more suitable. The dark green color was available only for military vehicles.
13 March, 2011
ZIL-131 "Pompieri" (1967) - Elecon
ZIL-131 este un camion de 3,5 tone cu tractiune integrala 6x6 produs in Uniunea Sovietica, respectiv Rusia pana prin 1994. A fost proiectat pt a fi folosit de serviciile publice, armata in special. Este baza mai multor echipamente militare rusesti: transport(bena sau prelata), telecomunicatii, cisterna, dar si pt lansatorul de rachete BM-51 "Prima". Pt uzul civil s-a proiectat ZIL-130, cele doua fiind foarte asemanatoare. Pt autospecialele de pompieri s-a introdus si o varianta cu cabina dubla.
Macheta este produsa in Rusia, de catre Elecon. Este destul de detaliata. Partea din spate este din plastic, la fel si echipamentele de interventii. Interiorul este facut corect dar este complet negru. Rotile sunt bine realizate. Sasiul este din metal si e foarte detaliat, axul cardanic si puntea spate cu cele 2 axe sunt mobile. Capota se deschide pt a expune motorul, care nu e foarte detaliat. Oglinzile sunt destul de finute si sunt facute dintr-un plastic moale, care nu se rupe, la fel ca si celelalte componente din plastic. Ca minusuri, ar fi vopseaua care nu e perfect aplicata, in cateva locuri avand aspect de coaja de portocala, si lampile din spate care nu sunt prea evidentiate.
ZIL-131 "Firemen" (1967) - Elecon
ZIL-131 is a 3,5 ton truck featuring 6 x 6 all wheel drive. It was produced in the Soviet Union (later Rusia) until 1994. It was designed for public service use, particulary ary forces. It's the base of several russian military equipement: flatbed transporter, radio, tanker but also for the BM-51 "Prima" rocket launcher. For civilian use a very similar ZIL-130 was designed. For firefighter trucks, a double cab was introduced.
The scale model is produced in Russia, by Elecon. It is quite detailed, the rear part being made from plastic and. The chassis and the cab is metalic. The interior is entire black and correctly made. The wheels are rubber, very well made, and the rear-double-axes are mobile. The engine bonnet can be opened, making the engine visible, altough not very detailed. The plastic parts are very soft and not easy breakable. It gets some bad marks at the paint job , and the rear lights which are not detailed.
Macheta este produsa in Rusia, de catre Elecon. Este destul de detaliata. Partea din spate este din plastic, la fel si echipamentele de interventii. Interiorul este facut corect dar este complet negru. Rotile sunt bine realizate. Sasiul este din metal si e foarte detaliat, axul cardanic si puntea spate cu cele 2 axe sunt mobile. Capota se deschide pt a expune motorul, care nu e foarte detaliat. Oglinzile sunt destul de finute si sunt facute dintr-un plastic moale, care nu se rupe, la fel ca si celelalte componente din plastic. Ca minusuri, ar fi vopseaua care nu e perfect aplicata, in cateva locuri avand aspect de coaja de portocala, si lampile din spate care nu sunt prea evidentiate.
ZIL-131 "Firemen" (1967) - Elecon
ZIL-131 is a 3,5 ton truck featuring 6 x 6 all wheel drive. It was produced in the Soviet Union (later Rusia) until 1994. It was designed for public service use, particulary ary forces. It's the base of several russian military equipement: flatbed transporter, radio, tanker but also for the BM-51 "Prima" rocket launcher. For civilian use a very similar ZIL-130 was designed. For firefighter trucks, a double cab was introduced.
The scale model is produced in Russia, by Elecon. It is quite detailed, the rear part being made from plastic and. The chassis and the cab is metalic. The interior is entire black and correctly made. The wheels are rubber, very well made, and the rear-double-axes are mobile. The engine bonnet can be opened, making the engine visible, altough not very detailed. The plastic parts are very soft and not easy breakable. It gets some bad marks at the paint job , and the rear lights which are not detailed.
10 March, 2011
Dacia 1300 (1969) - DeAgostini/IST Models
Dacia 1300 a aparut 1969 si a avut ca baza Renault 12. S-a produs in 2 variante usor diferite. Una "frantuzeasca" care era identica cu Renault 12 si una care avea tampoanele micsorate si prezenta lampi de marsaririer. Mai multe pe . Masina asta chiar n-are nevoie de nici o prezentare pt romani.
Macheta, este produsa de IST Models pentru DeAgostini, si este primul numar al colectiei "Masini de legenda" aparute in Romania in data de 4 martie 2011. Ca si modelul real, macheta are la baza o matrita veche de Renault 12 care prezinta mici defecte de proprtii, cum ar fi de exemplu lungimea farurilor comparata cu cea a semnalizatoarelor. Oglinzile sunt tot aceleasi "urechi de Shrek". Jantele nu sunt chiar replica fidela a celor reale, dar seamana. Transformarea din Renault 12 in Dacia 1300 s-a facut prin schimbarea siglelor.
Dacia 1300 (1969) - DeAgostini/IST Models
Dacia 1300 was released in 1969 under a Renault 12 license. The name "Dacia" comes from the region were Romania is now. "1300" is the approximative engine displacement. The Dacia 1300 was produced in 2 slightly different version. One, called "The French", was 100% identical to Renault 12 and a later one, which had smaller rubbers bumpers, and featured white backlights. A pick-up and a estate version were also introduced. Dacia 1300 was updated to the Dacia 1310 in 1979.
The scale model was published by DeAgostini Romania, and it is produced by IXO/IST Models like all the models in the DeAgostini series. It is the first issue of the collection "Legendary Cars", released in Romania at 4 march 2011. Like the real model, the miniature is based onto a Renault 12 mold, which has some small errors of proportion. For example, the headlights which are to short compared to the blinkers. The mirrors are the same "Shrek ears". The rims are almost like the real ones.
Macheta, este produsa de IST Models pentru DeAgostini, si este primul numar al colectiei "Masini de legenda" aparute in Romania in data de 4 martie 2011. Ca si modelul real, macheta are la baza o matrita veche de Renault 12 care prezinta mici defecte de proprtii, cum ar fi de exemplu lungimea farurilor comparata cu cea a semnalizatoarelor. Oglinzile sunt tot aceleasi "urechi de Shrek". Jantele nu sunt chiar replica fidela a celor reale, dar seamana. Transformarea din Renault 12 in Dacia 1300 s-a facut prin schimbarea siglelor.
Dacia 1300 (1969) - DeAgostini/IST Models
Dacia 1300 was released in 1969 under a Renault 12 license. The name "Dacia" comes from the region were Romania is now. "1300" is the approximative engine displacement. The Dacia 1300 was produced in 2 slightly different version. One, called "The French", was 100% identical to Renault 12 and a later one, which had smaller rubbers bumpers, and featured white backlights. A pick-up and a estate version were also introduced. Dacia 1300 was updated to the Dacia 1310 in 1979.
The scale model was published by DeAgostini Romania, and it is produced by IXO/IST Models like all the models in the DeAgostini series. It is the first issue of the collection "Legendary Cars", released in Romania at 4 march 2011. Like the real model, the miniature is based onto a Renault 12 mold, which has some small errors of proportion. For example, the headlights which are to short compared to the blinkers. The mirrors are the same "Shrek ears". The rims are almost like the real ones.
04 March, 2011
Colectia de Machete DeAgostini - In Romania
Ieri, 4 martie 2011, a aparut in cateva orase din Romania (Galati, Cluj, Vaslui) revista "Masini de legenda" . Este vorba de varianta romaneasca a celor aparute in Rusia, Polonia, Ungaria, Cehia si vine in primul numar cu o macheta Dacia 1300. Urmatoarele vor fi Aro 240, Lada 1500, GAZ - M21 "Volga" , Trabant 601
Deocamdata este vorba despre un test de piata. Daca acesta va reusi, colectia va aparea in toata tara, la chioscurile de ziare.
Deocamdata este vorba despre un test de piata. Daca acesta va reusi, colectia va aparea in toata tara, la chioscurile de ziare.
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