30 December, 2010

Barkas B1000 "Pompieri" - (1970) - IST Models

       Barkas B1000 a fost o furgoneta produsa intr-o fabrica noua din Republica Democrata Germana (DDR), pe locul fostei fabrici Framo, in orasul Karl-Marx-Stadt (actual Chemnitz), vechea fabrica fiind luata de rusi ca reparatii de razboi, la sfarsitul anilor '40. Productia a inceput in 1961 si a continuat pana in 1991. A fost propulsat initial de un motor de 45 de cai, in trei cilindri si doi timpi. Acest motor a fost derivat din cel de la DKW si a fost folosit in paralel si de Wartburg. A fost considerat echicvalentul lui VW T1 si T2 pentru Germania de Est, fiind considerat chiar mai bun din punct de vedere practic si al configurabilitatii, datorita amplasarii frontale a motorului. A fost destinat in principal serviciilor publice, iar persoanele private asteptau pana la 14 ani pt unul. S-au produs aproximativ 175.000 de exemplare.

       Macheta, care reprezinta un vehicul de interventii, este produsa de IST Models. Este o macheta "branduita" IST, nu una de revista. A venit cu postament si clopot de plastic transparent. Detaliile sunt de nivel mai ridicat, exceptand niturile din faruri. Stopurile sunt colorate separat, geamurile au chedere argintii iar stergatoarele sunt fin redate. Oglinzile exterioare au "sticla" dar macheta nu are oglinda retrovizoare. La interior avem scaune maro, iar bordul are instrumentele redate prin decaluri.

Barkas B1000 "Feuerwehr" - (1970) - IST Models

        Barkas B1000 was a van produced in a new factory from Deutsch Democratic Republic, on the site of the Former Framo factory, in the actual city of Chemnitz. Production started in 1961 and continued until 1991. It had a 3 cyilinder, 3 stroke, 45 hp engine. This engine derived from the DKW and was also used by Wartburg. Barkas was considered the equivalent of VW T1 and T2 for the East Germany, some features making it even better. It was much more variable in its configuration due to the frontal engine placement. It was mostly used by the public services. Private people waiting upto 14 years to get one. Aprox 175.000 pcs. were produced.

        The scale model, which replicates a emergency vehicle is produced by IST Models. It is a original IST Model, not a magazine one. It came with a stand and a PC-Box. The details are high level, except the headlihts, that have rivets. The backlights are independently coloured, the windows have silver gaskets, and the wipers are fine made. The side mirrors have "glass" but the model does not have a rear-view mirror inside. The seats are brown and the dashboards has the gauges made as decals.

27 December, 2010

Zuk A-15 "Pompieri" - (1967) - DeAgostini/IST Models

       Zuk A-15, care in poloneza inseamna "gandac", a a fost o duba (furgoneta) produsa de FSC (Fabryka Samochodów Ciężarowych) in Polonia intre 1958-1998. A fost construit pe sasiul, suspensia si motorul de la Warszawa M20. Aceasta, la randul ei, era de fapt rusoaica GAZ Pobeda produsa sub licenta in Polonia. Zuk si Nysa, bazata pe acelasi sasiu, au fost singurele furgonete din Polonia comunista. Zuk a fost in principal vandut organizatiilor de stat dar si unor persoane private. Pe toata perioada productiei, design-ul s-a schimbat doar la nivelul fetei, in 1967. Posta poloneza si Pompierii au fost principalii utilizatori, Zuk fiind folosit ca masina de pompieri mai ales in micile comunitati.

       Macheta este produsa de IST Models, pt DeAgostini. Este al doilea numar special al colectiei, destul de rar la ora actuala. Este o macheta reusita, fara erori majore. Are doar oglinzile putin strambe. Doar chederul de la parbriz e negru, restul nu sunt vopsite. Pe plafon sunt montate furtunele si scarile, foarte bine replicate. La interior totul este negru, fara decaluri pt instrumente dar replicat corect. Stergatoarele sunt mai bine realizate decat la alte machete DeAgostini.

Zuk A-15 "Pompieri" - (1967) - DeAgostini/IST Models

       Zuk A-15, which in Polish means "bug", was a van produced by FSC (Fabryka Samochodów Ciężarowych) in Poland between 1958-1998. It was based on the Warsawa M20 chassis. Zuk and Nysa, based on the same chassis, were the only vans produced in the communist Poland. Zuk was mainly sold to state organizations and a few to private persons. During its production period, the design changed only slightly on the front part, in 1967. Polish mail service and the Firefighters were the main users of the angular Zuk. Was used as a firetruck in the small communities.

       The scale model, is produced by IST Models, for DeAgostini. It's the second special issue of the collection, quite rare. It's a well made model, without major errors. Only the mirrors are a little crooked. The windscreen gasket is black but the others are not painted. On the roof there are the fire-hoses and ladders, very good replicated. All the interior is black, with no decals. The wipers are better than other DeAgostini models.

08 December, 2010

Nysa 522 "Milicja" (1968) - DeAgostini/IST Models

      Dubita Nysa a fost produsa in orasul Nysa din Polonia, din 1958 pana in 1994. Bazata pe aceeasi platforma ca Zuk, platforma imprumutata de la Warszawa, Nysa a avut un design rotunjit, spre deosebire de Zuk, care avea un design unghiular. A fost mult mai buna si mai confortabila pentru transportul de pasageri. In perioada de inceput a productiei, a fost singura duba disponibila, din aceasta cauza fiind folosita intensiv ca Ambulanta si ca masina a Militiei. Varful de popularitate a fost atins in anii '70, iar pana la oprirea productiei uzina din Nysa a fabricat 380.575 de masini. Modelul 522 a fost ultimul din gama Nysa. Nysa a fost exportata in toate tarile Blocului Estic, dar si in cateva tari din Asia sau Africa. In Romania au ajuns cateva dupa '89. Erau o priveliste destul de comuna pana prin 1995, fiind una din masinile micilor SRL-uri, alaturi de Barkas, Zuk, Transit sau T2.

      Macheta reproduce modelul folosit de Militia Poloneza. Este produsa de IST ca numar special pt DeAgostini Polonia. Nu a fost produsa deocamdata in varianta "de strada". Macheta este frumoasa, cu detaliile specifice de militie foarte frumos reproduse. Grila are gaurile reproduse fin, dar nu perforate, farurile au nituri. Chederelor groase le-ar fi stat mai bine negre, iar cromul ce margineste capota motorului nu este reprodus. Personal, imi place mult aceasta masina, de aceea am si facut un mic efort sa o achizitionez, fiind o macheta destul de rara.

Nysa 522 "Milicja" (1968) - DeAgostini/IST Models

      The Nysa van was produced in the city of Nysa in Poland, between 1958-1994. While based on the same platform as the Zuk (taken from Warszawa), Nysa had a rounded design, unlike the angular Zuk. It was much better and confortable as a people carrier. In the first year of production it was the only abailable van, this is why it was extensively used as a Ambulance and Miltia car. It was very popular in the 70s. Until 1994 when the production ceased, about 380.000 Nysas were made. The 522 was the last model. Nysa was exported to all the East Block countries, but also in some countrie from Asia and Africa. In Romania, some were imported in the early '90. It was very popular between the small emerging companies here.

      The scale model replicates the model used by the Polish Militia. It is made by IST as a special series for DeAgostini Poland. It was not produced yet as a street-version. It is very beautiful and well made, with all the specific details for a police car. The front grille has fine holes, not perforated, the headlights have rivets. The window gaskets should be black, and there are some chrome parts missing. I like this model very much, that's why i made some effort to purchase it. It's a quite rare model.