31 August, 2010

Dacia Logan Cup (2007) - Eligor

         Renault Sport Technologies a dezvoltat trei kit-uri adaptabile pe modelul Dacia Logan 1.6 MPI (90 cp) pentru utilizarea lor in curse pe circuit sau in raliuri (asfalt sau macadam). Transformand Loganul intr-o masina mai placuta si mai sigura pentru condus, scopul lui Logan Cup a fost sa faca sportul cu motor accesibil pentru cat mai multi oameni prin pastrarea unui pret si a unor costuri de intretinere scazute. Printre echipamentele adaugate s-au numarat rollcage-ul, scaune sport Toora cu prinderi in 4 puncte, eleron si bineinteles decal-urile pentru curse. Logan-urile echipate in aceasta forma au participat la Raliul Romaniei incepand din 2007, fiind niste masini foarte durabile dupa cum se poate vedea in cel de-al doilea filmulet


          Macheta este produsa de Eligor dar tind sa cred ca a fost transformata in Logan Cup de un 3rd party, dintr-un Logan Prestige. Marturie sta portbagajul care este facut ca la Prestige, diferit de modelul real. Componentele specifice, rollcage-ul , eleronul, scaunele sunt bine realizate, scaunele avand inscriptionat Toora Logan Cup pe ele. Vopseaua este bine aplicata, exceptie facand portiunea gri de pe masca fata care prezinta niste umflaturi. Machetei ii lipsesc prinzatoarele pt capota specifice masiniilor de curse si nu are garda la sol coborata.

Dacia Logan Cup (2007) - Eligor 

        Renault Sport Technologies developed three kits adapted to the Dacia Logan 1.6 MPI (90 hp) model, for using it in circuit races or rally (tarmac or gravel). By making the Logan much pleasant and safer to drive, the aim of Logan Cup was to make the motorsport more accessible to ordinary people. This was done by keeping a low price and maintenance costs.  Among the added features was the rollcage, Toora sport seats, aileron and, of course, race decals. Logan models equipped this way raced at the Rally of Romania since 2007, being great and lasting cars, as you can see in the second movie.


        The scale model is produced by Eligor, but I think it is a transformation of the Logan Prestige, by a 3rd party. I think this, because the trunk bonnet is Prestige-like, different from the real Logan Cup. The race features, rollcage, aileron, seats are well reproduced, the seat have Toora Logan Cup on them. The paint job is very goodm except the gray area from the front grille which has a few blisters. The scale model does not have a low ground clearance like the real one.

29 August, 2010

Dacia Logan Prestige (2006) - Eligor

       Dacia Logan Prestige a fost introdusa in 2006 pentru a completa varful de gama Logan. A venit cu noi elemente de functionalitate si design pentru a-i conferi un plus de rafinament. Principala imbunatatire a fost motorul 1.6 MPI 16v, care dezvolta 105 cai putere. Printre noile elemente de desgin se numarau barile vopsite integral in culoarea caroseriei, jante de aliaj, oglinzi si manare in culoarea caroseriei.
       Macheta, produsa de Eligor, in China, este reusita. Personal, nu am de reprosat decat lipsa oglinzii retrovizoare. Interiorul este foarte detaliata, atat cat permite aceasta scara, un alt mic minus ar putea fi plafonul. La exterior detaliile sunt de asemenea ok, iar pretul de achizitie de nivelul unei Cararama, o face imbatabila.

Dacia Logan Prestige (2006) - Eligor 

      Dacia Logan Prestige was launched in 2006 to fit in the top of the Logan range. It had new functionality and design features which gave it more refinement. The main feature was the 1.6 MPI 16v engine, capable of producing 105 hp. Among other new design elements was the painted front and rear bumpers, alloy wheels, mirrors and colored door handles.
    The scale model, made by Eligor, in China is nice. I only can reproah the missing rear-view mirror. The interior is very detailed, for this scale. "Outside" the details are ok too, but the purchase price, like a Cararama, makes it unbeatable.

24 August, 2010

Dacia Logan MCV (2006) - Eligor

    Dacia Logan MCV (Multi Convivial Vehicle) a fost lansat in 2006, la doi ani de la modelul Logan sedan, la Salonul Auto de la Paris (Paris Motor Show). Acesta este versiunea station wagon a modelului Logan, care dispune de șapte locuri dispuse pe trei rânduri(2+3+2); ultimul putând fi demontat. Are la baza conceptul Steppe.
     Macheta, produsa de Eligor este destul de reusita. La exterior, vopseaua e ok, iar decalurile sunt bine aplicate si sunt lizibile. Farurile si stopurile nu au nituri vizibile. La interior, se disting ceasurile de bord, butoanele de pe consola, iar tapiseria scaunelor si usilor e texturata. Macheta reproduce modelul cu 7 locuri. Exemplarul aflat in posesia mea a suferit un accident, in urma caruia i s-a rupt antena si s-a indoit un suport de pe plafon.

Dacia Logan MCV (2006) - Eligor
    Dacia Logan MCV (Multi Convivial Vehicle) was released in 2006, two years after the Logan sedan, at the Paris Motor Show. This is the station wagon version of the Dacia Logan, which can have up to seven places, on thre rows (2+3+2). The last row can be uninstalled. It is based on the Steppe Concept.
     The scale model, made by Eligor it's fairly good. The paint job is ok, the decals are well applied and easy to read. The headlights and taillights don't have visible rivets. At the interior, you can easily see the dashboard gauges, console switches, and the doors and the seats are textured.
   The model i have had a small "accident", which caused the antena to broke and a roof rail to bend.

20 August, 2010

Dacia 1310 (1983) - IST Models/DeAgostini

      Incep cu romanestile si in mod traditional cu batrana Dacie 1310.
     O macheta pe cat de oportuna pentru noi romanii, pe atat de prost facuta de cei de la IST Models. Macheta face parte din colectia DeAgostini Retroautok Ungaria. Dupa parerea mea, este cea mai nereusita din toata colectia DeAgostini, restul fiind niste modele reusite pt pretul lor.
      Macheta nu reproduce cu exactitate nici un model de Dacia 1310, fiind o combinatie intre modelele aparute intre 1979-1994. Capota motorului seamana cu modelul din '90 dar este reprodusa gresit, cu zona din mijloc infundata, in loc sa fie embosata. Alte minusuri ar fi lipsa diferentierei pe culori la stopuri, barile prea groase, lipsa cromului pe portbagaj, lipsa aeratoarelor de sub parbriz, si altele.
      Macheta poate fi adusa la un stadiu mai bun cu mici modificari - innegrirea chederelor, vopsirea semnalizatoarelor, poate chiar aplicarea de crom acolo unde lipseste. Dar deocamdata m-am abtinut de la astfel de modificari, dar vor urma
 Dacia 1310 (1983) - IST Models/DeAgostini

      I start with the romanian cars, and traditionally, with the good old Dacia 1310.
     A model very wished by the romanians but very bad made by IST Models. The scale model is from the DeAgostini's Retroautok collection, from Hungary.
     The models does not replicat any real model of Dacia 1310, is just a combination of many models produced between 1979-1994. The bonnet looks like the 90s model, but the middle part is engraved instead of being embossed. Other "bad things" are the colors of the backlights, thick bumpers, chrome missing from the hood, missing vents under the windscreen etc. 


08 August, 2010

      Ma numesc Iulian, sunt din Brasov.. Colectionez machete 1:43 si 1:87 din septembrie 2009. Acest blog este dedicat machetelor la 1:43. Colectionez cu prioritate machete de masini romanesti, comuniste si BMW-uri, dar si altele care imi plac sau de care ma leaga ceva. La data deschiderii blogului colectia mea cuprindea 53 de machete la 1:43..

Blog Opening
      My name is Iulian, I am from Brasov, Romania. I collect 1:43 and 1:87 scale models since september 2009. This blog is for de 1:43 scale models. I preffer to collect models of romanian cars, communist (Eastern Europe) , BMW and any other models that I like. At the day of the opening of this blog my collection had 53 scale models at 1:43.